Here lately we’ve been talking a lot about trends. Last week, it was sustainability and green living (a trend we hope for the sake our planet and future generations is here to stay). This week, we’ll be covering the DIY trend taking the nation by storm and how it relates to home concrete polishing projects. Long story short, don’t do it. When it comes to projects such as these, it’s always best to hire a pro. But we know... You viewed this really easy YouTube tutorial at work during your “lunch break” and also saw someone on Pinterest was able to breeze through it in a weekend. We’re gonna have to ask you to stop your scrolling right there. While we know your intentions are pure, we’d rather save you the heartbreak now rather than mid-project when you realize you’re in over your head. Don’t believe us? Read below to find out why you should hire a pro to polish your home's concrete floors!
Hiring A Pro Saves You Machinery Costs & Mishaps
When it comes to polishing concrete floors, some heavy machinery is required. If you hire a pro, this machinery comes included in their services. If you decide to make the dreadful mistake of doing it yourself, you must rent the equipment to use yourself. Renting this machinery can become costly, and you also run the risk of renting old machinery or machinery not consistent with your project. If you hire a pro, you needn’t worry about any of this as they bring along their own!
Hiring A Pro Ensures Product Quality
While I’m sure you have many talents, there is a special expertise you must possess to properly polish concrete floors. Concrete specialists hold these skills and because of this, are able to offer you polished concrete floors with a quality not attainable easily attainable. If done at home yourself, you run the risk of ending up with sub-par quality polished floors. Why put yourself through all that when you could just easily hire a pro to do the job for you?
Hiring A Pro Saves You Time
When it comes to DIY projects, one of the main issues is they take much longer to execute than one initially intends. This is because in addition to actually carrying out the task, there is much research to be done beforehand to ensure it’s done properly. If you hire a pro, none of this research is necessary. The only research that will need to be done on your part then is that to find a contractor to accomplish the project for you. Lucky for you, Custom Concrete Creations are the most sought after pros in the Omaha area, so if you do decide hiring a professional is the route you want to take, we’re here to offer you superior service matched by none!
Hiring A Pro Saves You Money
By hiring a pro, you’ll also saving yourself money in both the near and distant future. Money is easily saved in the short run when hiring a pro. While you do have to pay their service fees, any equipment needed to complete the project is included in this. When you do it yourself, you have to buy any and all equipment necessary to complete the project. Additionally, because pros know exactly what they are doing, you don’t have to worry about replacing the flooring as it will inevitably last longer than if you were to do it yourself, so if you want to save money, you should hire a pro to ensure the project is done right!
As you can tell from this lengthy rant about ensuring product quality, we truly believe hiring a pro is the right route to take when it comes to polishing concrete floors. Not only do we feel this is the case with polished floors, we feel so strongly about proper product quality that we believe you should hire a pro when it comes to concrete no matter the job. By doing so, you save yourself in all the ways listed above. If you want to learn more about the DIY vs Pro, click here to read an article in which highlight this debate with regard to garage floor epoxies.
While we don’t recommend DIY for home concrete polishing projects, we do recommend it for other less critical projects as it helps to reduce stress from everyday life. There are a number of fun DIY projects you can do to add some personality to your home. Click here to find a variety of bird houses we think you might find fun to build!
There are so many creative and custom options for finishing concrete, but first and foremost important is the concrete itself. At Custom Concrete Creations we have state of the art equipment and a properly trained team with years of experience. Custom Concrete Creations is a premier contractor serving the Omaha area as well at the Midwest. Give us a call or send us an email for your custom concrete finishing needs today!